After almost a week of heavy rains as tropical storm Nicole passed through western NC, many local residents, perhaps yourself, are feeling the effects of poor drainage solutions on their property. If you're tired of sloshing through your yard, constantly monitoring your basement or bumping through the trenches in your driveway, we have five drainage solutions for you to consider.
1. Stump Pump
This pump sucks up flooded water and spits it out at a preferred location. They can be found in many different sizes and with different levels of power. They can sit above the surface and be used when desired. After a while, some maintenance will be required and depending on the amount and frequency of flooding, it is a solution to a problem but not a solution to the problem.
2. Elevate
One of the most simple ways to end a flooding trouble area is by applying layers of dirt, mulch, or planted grass to elevate the land. This will force water elsewhere. If there are multiple problem areas, this strategy may not be the most effective as it could force water into another or new problem area.
3. Swales
For larger problem areas, creating a swale could be a better option. Often found beside roads, it is similar to a large and gradual ditch. Typically swales are lined with some kind of root-based plant system, like grass. A swale must have an exit strategy for the water. An area with frequent flooding should be directed into a dry well or a garden bed with very good drainage and high water tolerance. But if flooding is major, then perhaps heavier grading or excavation work is necessary.
4. Dry Wells
Dry wells are inserted underground and act as water collectors. Often found at the exit points of swales and some French and curtain drains. Dry Wells collect the redirected water and slowly release it back into the ground over the next couple of days, keeping your land above ground from flash flooding during a storm.
5. French Drain
A French drain is one of the most common ways of dealing with flooding. A deep trench is dug leading to a low point on the property. The trench is then filled with gravel or rock and contains a perforated pipe that redirects groundwater away to its exit point. For more on French drains, check out our blog post - Should you install a French drain?
While some drainage solutions seem like simple devices, it’s not always simple to install yourself. Many easy mistakes can be made. Consider professional installation that makes use of engineering and heavy equipment to ensure you're following zoning regulations and not doing more harm to your property than good. Get in contact with us before the next big rain!