Having limited space shouldn't limit your creativity and options when it comes to landscaping your yard. If you're struggling to find ways to personalize your small front yard, we have seven suggestions to spice things up!

1. Create a Path
Give your yard a focal point by creating a path from your sidewalk or driveway up to the front door. Especially in a smaller yard, this can be an inexpensive addition that you can do yourself with pallet wood or stones.

2. Add Lighting
Make your new walkway stand out even more with lighting along the edges or instead place lights around your flower beds. Options range from LEDs to fairy lights, and solar-powered lights will prevent you from having to remember to hit the on and off switch every night.

3. Planters on your Porch
Expand your florals beyond your yard and add depth to your landscaping by placing different-sized planters on your front steps, patio, or porch. Decorative planters allow you to easily change out annuals and choose what colors and patterns match your look.

4. Flower Bed Border
Border your flower and mulch beds with stone or brick blocks or natural stone to upgrade your yard. The distinct lines will make your open yard appear cleaner and well-groomed.

5. Create a Garden Bed Around Your Mailbox
Add a bit of fun with color at the end of your driveway using annual flowers or colored shrubs in a mulch bed. While this may be separate from your yard, it allows a little extra space to get creative in the dirt!

6. Add a Water Feature
Limited space may restrict your dreams of having a koi pond or stream running through the yard. In favor of a tight space and budget, there are plenty of DIY water features of different sizes to add variety to your yard. Skip the hassle of a water connection by simply using a birdbath.

7. Planter Window Boxes
Save space in the yard by moving your flowers or herb gardens up with window boxes. You can buy ones to perfectly match your house or easily create your own with spare wood. Either way, you'll have extra space to decorate the front of your home.
Once you've tried some of these seven small yard hacks, add your own touch with some DIY projects like unique flower beds or a fire pit. Once you have your updated yard ready, take care of it with these six tips to save your landscape from a heat wave.